Upcoming Events
RSVP: November 12, 2024 Meeting
First Bank of Highland Park
Nov. 12, 2024
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
View entire list
Pearls of the Club
Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.
          - Albert Camus

President Phil Lazarus greeted our guest speakers members, DG Thor Davidson and ADG Don Gwinn, and Sharon Erwin, a potential new member.  We recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four Way Test.


Mark your calendars!
Our Holiday Party is December 7th at Dale and Karla Mugler's home. More details to follow....

News from Satish Tripathi:
Satish is in India working hard on his project educating blind children. He sent me an email that he had a very successful meeting with the Rotary Club of Bombay, and was invited to speak by the Rotary Club of Kandivali in Bombay this Sunday. Stay awesome Satish!

"Take Care" Packages are in need! Please see the information below:
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
DG Thor Davidson, Speaker
ADG Don Gwinn
Happy Dollars
Len Tenner and Phil Lazarus were happy to welcome DG Thor Davidson, ADG Don Gwinn, and Sharon Erwin and welcome back Jack Diamond; Mary Beth was happy she received 800 contest submissions from 100 poets, also to welcome Sharon Erwin; Jack Diamond was appreciative of all the get well wishes he received from the Club; Doris Xie was happy to be back in the home an here from her trip to China; DG Thor Davidson and ADG Don Gwinn were happy to here.
You don't have to wait until meeting day to share your happiness! Click on the yellow box below, donate your happy dollars and then email Mary Beth at hphwrotary@gmail.com and tell her what you're happy about! 
The Day's Program
This week, DG Thor Davidson, who is a member of the Wheaton Noon Club, came to share with us the latest on RI and the District. He asked us to remember when each of us felt we recognized ourselves as Rotarians. His suggestions for our District is to dare to be different, focus on an action plan, improve our public image, and finally, membership building begins with one on one connectivity.
- mb
If anyone else has ideas, has some time on their hands, or has a friend they think would love to know more about Rotary, please respond to this email.
Don't be shy - come on back - we'd love to see you!
This and That
Interact News from Brad and Ida
Saturday, November 10th 9a - 12 noon - Lake Bluff Open Lands - Clearing the prairie
Saturday and Sunday, November 23 & 24 - Shop N Drop Thanksgiving dinners (cooking)
Remember - we are welcome at these events!






Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Rotary Foundation
Youth/Interact Liaison
Virtual Meeting Coordinator
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Dale Mugler
November 8
Ghida Neukirch
November 10
Jack Diamond
November 13
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