Upcoming Events
RSVP: November 19, 2024 Meeting
First Bank of Highland Park
Nov. 19, 2024
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
View entire list
Pearls of the Club
The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing.
          - Benjamin Jowett

President Phil Lazarus greeted our guest speakers members, and Sharon Erwin, a potential new member.  We recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four Way Test.


Dates:  Wednesdays, December 4th through Monday, December 23rd except for Monday 12/09.

Tomorrow, November 15th we'll be taking reservations for the first week's performances from the 4th through the 8th.

On Friday, November 29th beginning at 7:00 a.m. we will take reservations for it all including December 10th through the 23rd.

Call (847.432.4608) or come to the restaurant after 9:00 a.m tomorrow.

We do not use email, texts or Open Table for Opera.
We are open in our upstairs dining room every night on which there are performances.


Mark your calendars!

Shop N Drop!!!!
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Sharon Erwin, potential member
Happy Dollars
Phil Lazarus were happy to welcome everyone and wish Jack Diamond "Happy Birthday" the following dayJack Diamond was happy to celebrate another birthday! Len Tenner was happy to welcome everyone and a happy birthday for Jack. Bill Pigati wanted to have one final good bye to the late great Fred Orkin! Karen Dennis was happy to wish "Happy Birthday" to Jack Diamond and to Dale Mugler (on the 11th). She was also happy that she and Allan got away to see the Colts v Bills game. Plus, how couldn't be happy for the amazing November weather so far? Dale Mugler was happy to be presenting his work to the U of South Carolina medical students. Sharon Erwin was happy for the beautiful weather and likes the Happy Dollars idea!
You don't have to wait until meeting day to share your happiness! Click on the yellow box below, donate your happy dollars and then email Mary Beth at hphwrotary@gmail.com and tell her what you're happy about! 
The Day's Program
This week, we reviewed the fundraising ideas that we have - out annual gala, the golf outing, and sponsoring a pickleball tournament. If you'd like to be part of the planning committees for these events, please contact Phil at philmlazarus@gmail.com
If you know of someone we should hear from, please let me know so we can schedule speakers.
- mb
If anyone else has ideas, has some time on their hands, or has a friend they think would love to know more about Rotary, please respond to this email.
Don't be shy - come on back - we'd love to see you!
This and That
Interact News from Brad and Ida
Saturday and Sunday, November 23 & 24 - Shop N Drop Thanksgiving dinners (cooking)
Remember - we are welcome at these events!






Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Rotary Foundation
Youth/Interact Liaison
Virtual Meeting Coordinator
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Dale Mugler
November 8
Ghida Neukirch
November 10
Jack Diamond
November 13
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