Upcoming Events
RSVP: October 24th Meeting
West Ridge Center
Oct 24, 2023
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
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Oct 17, 2023
Oct 24, 2023 11:30 AM
Oct 25, 2023
Survivor's Story
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Pearls of the Club
Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.
          - Blaise Pascal

President Paul Clements greeted members and our speaker Anita Pildes from SHALVA. We recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four Way Test.


10/17 - NO MEETING
10/24 - **Carol Sandak World Polio Day (lunch meeting)
10/25 - ***Sam Harris, Survivor's Story - with Interact Students at HPHS
** Open to spouses and friends - we'd like a big welcome for Carol, Cost: lunch
*** Open to spouses and friends - we'd like a big welcome for Sam!  Share the news.

MYA News - Music At the Fort
10/15 - Irish Celebration
12/3 - I-Solisti MYAC
1/28 - Walgreens National Concerto Competition Winners
2/25 - Jazz Faculty Recital
3/10 - Chicago National Chamber Music
4/14 Program TBD

News from The Art Center
Their annual Recycled Art Sale begins Friday, October 13, 2023 at 5p.  Friday night is a ticketed event, on Saturday and Sunday there will be a small admission fee.

Volunteer Opportunities with Interact
 10/14 - Oaktober Tree Planting at 121 Rockland Rod in Lake Bluff 9:30a - noon
11/18 -   Misericordia Bakery 6300 N Ridge Chicago - 8a - 4p                             
Guests and Visiting Rotarians
Anita Pildes from SHALVA
Happy Dollars
Sorry everyone! I was attending to adjusting our lunch order and I missed your Happy Dollars! Remind me next time and I'll include it next time so you'll be double happy!
You don't have to wait until meeting day to share your happiness! Click on the yellow box below, donate your happy dollars and then email Mary Beth at hphwrotary@gmail.com and tell her what you're happy about! 
The Day's Program
Anita Pildes gave us many insights as to the type of domestic abuse that happens in intimate relationships. That is separate from child or elder abuse. One in three women are in some kind of abusive relationship, and for men the number is one in four. This statistic is the same across financial status, geography, race, or religion.   SHALVA assists Jewish men or women in an abusive relationship with counseling and temporary housing and if needed court related support emotional support. She also offered great things to say to someone and how to help them should you see them being abused. 
This and That
Interact News from Brad and Ida
Here's what's coming up:
10.14.239a - noonLake Bluff Open Lands"Oaktober" - Planting Day
10.21.238a - 11aShop N Drop
Bag & Organize grocies for local families in need
Remember - we are welcome at these events!






Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Membership Chair
Public Image
Rotary Foundation
Director Community Service
Director Youth Service
Director International Service
Youth/Interact Liaison
Program/Greeter Chair
Fellowship Chair
Virtual Meeting Coordinator
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Martha Gray
October 6
Jim Berardi
October 9
Jenanne Rock
October 17
Frank Lomoro
October 28
Christopher Sheahen
October 30
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