This week we heard all about Soul Like Fire, the new business that our member Ben Jagim and his wife Brianna started last year. Soul Like Fire shares many of the same leadership values as Rotary and is geared toward those 25 - 40 years old wanting more from their corporate existence. This was gleamed by their personal experiences with leadership workshops and how it left them not supported. Through workshops and activities, they will be building support for young people craving that leadership development in the post Covid corporate world. They will continue with mentoring and coaching after the workshops. They are hosting a vision board workshop on Saturday, January 25rg from 1-3p at Kaleidoscope (599 Central) the cost is $40 which covers supplies. You can register on their website If you know of someone we should hear from, please let me know so we can schedule speakers. - mb If anyone else has ideas, has some time on their hands, or has a friend they think would love to know more about Rotary, please respond to this email. |