Upcoming Events
RSVP: June 26th Meeting
First Bank of Highland Park
Jun. 26, 2024
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
View entire list
Pearls of the Club
A person will sometimes devote all his life to the development of one part of his body - the wishbone.
          - Robert Frost

On June 18th, President Paul Clements led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Four Way Test. We welcomed ADG Don Gwinn.

It's Installation Time!!!
Who: Phil Lazarus, President
          Doris Xie, President-Elect
          Jack Diamond, Treasurer
Special Recognition Awards: 
Bill Pigati
Fred Orkin
Martha Gray
Jon Levey
Paul Harris Award:
Michael Lubelfeld
When: Friday, June 28, 2024 at 6p
Where: Yummy Bowl
             1908 Sheridan Road
Cost: $32 per person, cash bar
RSVP by 7/27 to hphwrotary@ gmail.com

"Take Care" Packages are in need! Please see the information below:
Happy Dollars
Rhoda Pierce was happy to invite everyone to the garden she planted just south of the arch in memory her beloved husband (and our good friend), Dan Pierce. It is full bloom right now. Karen Dennis was happy to return from a bucket list trip with her husband Allan driving down the west coast for nearly three weeks!  Doris Xie was happy to return from the RI Convention. She reported that the registration for next year's convention in Calgary has already exceeded the registrations from the same time last year! It sounds like we'll have to save our spots real soon! Skip Jacobs was happy he survived Fathers Day. Bill Pigati had a wonderful Fathers Day because he did NOTHING!  Satish Tripathi was happy to be here in our community and Club.  Len Tenner was happy to see more than four people at a meeting - it was a great turn out!
You don't have to wait until meeting day to share your happiness! Click on the yellow box below, donate your happy dollars and then email Mary Beth at hphwrotary@gmail.com and tell her what you're happy about! 
The Day's Program
We had a wonderful time listening to Bill Pigati share stories of Highwood. One story was about his paper route days when he delivered both the Tribune and the Sun Times. There was an older Italian couple who always insisted on feeding Bill. After some time, Bill had saved enough money to buy his dream bike - not a Schwinn, but a Husky - the king of bicycles! However, his euphoria didn't last long. A few weeks after getting the bike, it was stolen.
It was wonderful to see everyone who came to the meeting - our summer venue is First Bank of Highland Park's Community Room.  
Note: Our next meeting is WEDNESDAY, June 26th at noon
Installation Dinner Friday, June 28th
Executives & Directors
President Elect
President Nominee
Immediate Past President
Club Administrator
Director Club Service
Membership Chair
Membership Co-Chair
Rotary Foundation
Director International Service
Director Youth Service
Youth/Interact Liaison
Program/Greeter Chair
Fellowship Chair
Virtual Meeting Coordinator
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Ronald Domsky
June 20
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